Integrating Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction with Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory, Luria’s Neuropsychology, and Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis
Integrating Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction with Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory, Luria’s Neuropsychology, and Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis
Abstract This paper examines the integration of Robert
Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction with Lev Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory,
Alexander Luria’s Neuropsychological Development of Learning, and Richard
Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis to create a comprehensive framework for
enhancing communicative language teaching. Each event in Gagné’s model is
enriched through insights from these theories, emphasizing the cognitive,
social, and neurological aspects of learning. Key areas explored include
gaining attention through social interaction, aligning objectives with the
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), bridging prior and new knowledge through
noticing, scaffolding within the ZPD, and eliciting collaborative
performance. The paper advocates for a multi-disciplinary approach to
teaching that integrates social collaboration, cognitive scaffolding, and the
noticing of linguistic features, fostering meaningful and effective language
acquisition. |
Resumen Este documento examina la integración de los Nueve
Eventos de Instrucción de Robert Gagné con la Teoría Sociocultural de Lev
Vygotsky, el Desarrollo Neuropsicológico del Aprendizaje de Alexander Luria y
la Hipótesis del Noticing de Richard Schmidt para crear un marco integral que
mejore la enseñanza comunicativa de lenguas. Cada evento del modelo de Gagné
se enriquece con ideas de estas teorías, destacando los aspectos cognitivos,
sociales y neurológicos del aprendizaje. Se exploran áreas clave como captar la
atención mediante la interacción social, alinear los objetivos con la Zona de
Desarrollo Próximo (ZDP), conectar conocimientos previos y nuevos a través
del noticing, proporcionar andamiaje dentro de la ZDP y fomentar el
rendimiento colaborativo. El documento aboga por un enfoque
multidisciplinario que integre la colaboración social, el andamiaje cognitivo
y la identificación consciente de elementos lingüísticos para promover una
adquisición de lenguas significativa y efectiva. |
Resumo Este artigo examina a integração dos Nove Eventos
de Instrução de Robert Gagné com a Teoria Sociocultural de Lev Vygotsky, o
Desenvolvimento Neuropsicológico da Aprendizagem de Alexander Luria e a
Hipótese do Noticing de Richard Schmidt para criar um quadro abrangente que
potencialize o ensino comunicativo de línguas. Cada evento do modelo de Gagné
é enriquecido com insights dessas teorias, destacando os aspectos cognitivos,
sociais e neurológicos da aprendizagem. Áreas-chave exploradas incluem captar
a atenção por meio da interação social, alinhar objetivos com a Zona de
Desenvolvimento Proximal (ZDP), conectar conhecimentos prévios e novos
através do noticing, fornecer suporte dentro da ZDP e promover desempenho
colaborativo. O artigo defende uma abordagem multidisciplinar que integra
colaboração social, suporte cognitivo e a percepção consciente de elementos
linguísticos para fomentar a aquisição significativa e eficaz de línguas. |
Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction offer a structured and systematic approach
to teaching, guiding learners through different stages of acquiring knowledge
and skills. However, when integrated with other influential learning theories,
such as Lev Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory, Alexander Luria’s
Neuropsychological Development of Learning, and Richard Schmidt’s Noticing
Hypothesis, Gagné’s model can be further enriched to deepen understanding and
enhance communicative language teaching. This essay explores how these three
theoretical frameworks complement Gagné’s instructional events, focusing on
language acquisition and the cognitive and social processes involved in
Gaining Attention: The Role of Social Interaction in Learning
Gagné’s first event, gaining attention of the students
neuropsychological perspective adds depth to this process by highlighting the
brain’s attentional systems and their responsiveness to novelty and relevance.
Jha (2020) explains, “Our attention system is necessary for almost every single
thing we do—whether it’s listening to my voice right now, focus on something
you’re reading, communicate, learn or problem solve.” To help students acquire
new knowledge and skills, teachers can present content in ways that actively
engage the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for executive
functions. By relating tasks to learners’ personal experiences, educators can
make learning more meaningful. Within Gagné’s model, incorporating real-world
examples—such as discussions about current events—effectively stimulates
attention by aligning with the learners’ emotional and cognitive states.
Informing Learners of the Objective: Establishing the Zone of Proximal
Development (ZPD)
second event involves informing learners of the instructional objectives, a
step that helps students understand what they are expected to learn and
achieve. As educators, we must clearly communicate these objectives to align
learning activities with desired outcomes. Vygotsky’s concept of the Zone of
Proximal Development (ZPD) is particularly relevant here. According to the
Medical College of Wisconsin’s Office of Educational Improvement (2022), the
ZPD “is the difference between what a learner can achieve independently and
what they can learn with the guidance and support.” By setting objectives that
fall within learners’ ZPD, teachers ensure the goals are appropriately
challenging—neither too simple nor overly complex. For instance, in a language
lesson, the teacher might explain that the objective is to understand a
dialogue about travel, ensuring the task matches the learners’ developmental
readiness and supports guided progression toward mastery.
research on language processing highlights the importance of designing
objectives that activate specific neural pathways associated with sequencing,
monitoring, and planning skills. According to Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus
Scotland (n.d.), “Planning, sequencing and monitoring are the kinds of thinking
we need to do to successfully achieve our goal or solve a problem. We need to
think about what needs to be done, and the order to do it in.” Educators can
apply this insight by structuring classroom activities that encourage learners
to plan, execute a sequence of tasks, and monitor their outcomes. By aligning
objectives and tasks with learners’ cognitive capacities, teachers can ensure
that these activities fall within the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) while
engaging the brain’s processing systems effectively.
3. Stimulating Recall of Prior Learning:
Bridging Past and New Knowledge Through Noticing
recall, Gagné’s third event, aligns closely with Schmidt’s Noticing
Hypothesis, which asserts that language learners must first notice
linguistic features to internalize and learn them. While teachers play a
critical role in guiding learners to notice essential information, they must
also help students connect new material to prior knowledge. As the Northern
Illinois University Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (2020)
explains, educators should “help students make sense of new information by
relating it to something they already know or something they have already
experienced.” By recalling prior knowledge, learners are better prepared to
notice and integrate new concepts.
example, before introducing new grammatical structures, teachers can encourage
students to reflect on related structures they already understand. This
approach activates Schmidt’s idea of noticing gaps or discrepancies in
their knowledge, paving the way for deeper learning. It is essential to
remember that “a student’s education builds on previous concepts like building
blocks. If you’re missing foundation blocks at the bottom, you can’t keep
building. If a student has learning gaps, they can’t keep building and learning
more complex concepts” (Hegwood, 2022). Addressing these gaps is crucial, as
they can significantly impede further learning and progress.
Luria’s neuropsychological approach, Gagné’s third event, Recall of Prior
Knowledge, leverages the brain’s memory systems to support learning.
Luria emphasized that linking new information to existing neural connections
strengthens knowledge retention. As McAllister (2020) explains, “When you learn
something, you have electrical activity going through different circuits. Those
electrical impulses change the strength of specific connections, making them
either stronger or weaker.” By stimulating recall, educators create a neural
bridge between established concepts and new input, facilitating smoother
language acquisition and deeper cognitive engagement.
Presenting the Content: Mediated Learning and the Noticing of Key Features
Gagné’s fourth event, the presentation of content is where the bulk of new
information is provided to the learner. Based on Northern Illinois University Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (2020),
we teacher need to uUse strategies to present and cue lesson content to provide
more effective instruction.” And we also must “organize and group content in
meaningful ways, and provide explanations after demonstrations”
to Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis, this phase of stimulating recall is an ideal
opportunity for teachers to direct learners’ attention to specific linguistic
features. For example, in a lesson on the past tense, the teacher might
highlight verbs such as "went" or "saw," ensuring students
notice the grammatical structure. This approach reinforces explicit learning,
which is “characterized by ‘more conscious operation where the individual makes
and tests hypotheses in a search for structure’” (Springer Science+Business
Media, LLC, 2012). By consciously focusing on new forms during this phase,
learners are more likely to retain and effectively use the language in future
Providing Learning Guidance: Scaffolding Within the ZPD
guidance is essential for helping learners internalize new content. At this
stage, instructors must “advise students of strategies to aid them in learning
content and of resources available. In other words, [teachers] help students
learn how to learn” (Northern Illinois University Center for Innovative
Teaching and Learning, 2020). Vygotsky’s concept of scaffolding is
pivotal to this process, emphasizing the need to “break up the learning into
chunks and provide a tool, or structure, with each chunk”
insights into higher psychological functions—such as planning,
attention, and memory—underscore the importance of effective guidance in
structuring learners’ cognitive processes. These higher mental functions are
“socially created, voluntarily controlled, semiotically mediated and united in
systems with other functions” (Subbotsky, n.d.), enabling purposeful learning.
When instructors break tasks into manageable components and guide learners
through them, they activate the brain’s problem-solving circuits,
enhancing language production and supporting the internalization of new
vocabulary and structures.
Eliciting Performance: Collaborative and Noticed Performance
Gagné’s sixth event, eliciting performance, learners are encouraged to
demonstrate their understanding and apply newly acquired skills. This stage
allows instructors to “have students apply what they have learned to reinforce
new skills and knowledge and to confirm correct understanding of course
concepts” (Northern Illinois University Center for Innovative Teaching and
Learning, 2020). Vygotsky’s emphasis on social collaboration is
particularly relevant here, as learners often perform better when engaging with
peers. For example, role-playing in pairs or small groups enables students to
use language in meaningful, interactive contexts. This aligns with Vygotsky’s
belief that learning is most effective in socially rich environments, as he
“emphasized the collaborative nature of learning by constructing knowledge
through social negotiation”
Noticing Hypothesis highlights that eliciting performance is the
critical moment when learners must consciously apply what they have noticed.
As Schmidt explains, “the extent of attention determines the degree of noticing
in the input, and that input has to be noticed before it becomes intake”
(Buriro & Kakepoto, 2023). By actively producing the language they have
focused on in earlier stages, learners ensure that noticing transitions into
practical language use. For example, students might engage in dialogues where
they deliberately apply newly noticed grammatical structures or vocabulary,
solidifying their understanding and making the language accessible for future
Providing Feedback: Cognitive Development and Noticing Errors
is crucial in any learning process, and Gagné’s seventh event emphasizes
providing corrective feedback to learners. At this stage, instructors must
“provide timely feedback of students’ performance to assess and facilitate
learning and to allow students to identify gaps in understanding before it is
too late” (Northern Illinois University Center for Innovative Teaching and
Learning, 2020). Vygotsky’s theory underscores the importance of interactive
feedback, enabling learners to reflect on their mistakes and learn within the
ZPD. As Ćehić (n.d.) reminds us, “human interaction lies at the core of verbal
feedback. The interpersonal aspect of speaking and listening promotes a sense
of connection between the giver and receiver of feedback. This connection can
lead to increased engagement, motivation, and trust, ultimately enhancing the
learning experience.” To strengthen these connections, teachers can pose
guiding questions that encourage students to self-correct, transforming
feedback into a constructive dialogue rather than mere correction.
Noticing Hypothesis complements this event, emphasizing that learners must
first notice errors to correct them. Although “learners will react
differently to different types of error correction depending on their
individual characteristics” (Bakan et al., 2020), unnoticed mistakes are
unlikely to result in lasting improvement. Effective feedback should help
students become aware of linguistic inaccuracies, enabling them to adjust their
understanding and enhance their performance. For example, after a role-play
activity, the teacher might highlight misused past-tense verbs, encouraging
students to notice the errors and make the necessary corrections.
Assessing Performance: Formative and Summative Assessment Aligned with ZPD
eighth event focuses on assessing learners’ performance through both formative
and summative methods. At this stage, instructors must “implement a variety of
assessment methods to provide students with multiple opportunities to
demonstrate proficiency” (Northern Illinois University Center for Innovative
Teaching and Learning, 2020), particularly in language learning. Vygotsky’s
concept of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) enriches this approach by
emphasizing that assessments should evaluate not only what learners can
accomplish independently but also what they can achieve with guidance.
Formative assessments, such as peer evaluations or teacher feedback during
group activities, provide valuable insights into learners’ progress while
identifying areas for future growth and development.
Luria’s perspective, assessment should account for learners’ cognitive
processing abilities, emphasizing how effectively they can sequence and
organize language use. “Whenever [learners] see or hear something new, [they]
go through a series of cognitive processes, which are the processes that result
in learning” (Mccaw & Diamond, 2023). This focus on cognitive processes
aligns with Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis, which highlights the importance of
learners paying attention to linguistic features to acquire them. Consequently,
summative assessments should not only measure output but also foster learners’ ability
to notice and correct their own errors. Teachers can encourage students to
reflect on their learning, evaluate how well they noticed key features, and
track their progress over time. As Schmidt (1995) observed, “L2 proficiency
might be a significant contributing factor in determining whether or not
students noticed error corrections and understood the nature of errors so
noticed,” ultimately enhancing the cognitive processes that drive learning.
Enhancing Retention and Transfer: Building Cognitive and Social Competence
final event in Gagné’s model emphasizes enhancing retention and transfer,
ensuring learners can effectively apply their knowledge in new contexts.
Teachers are expected to “help learners retain more information by providing
them opportunities to connect course concepts to potential real-world
applications” (Northern Illinois University Center for Innovative Teaching and
Learning, 2020). Vygotsky’s theory underscores the role of social interaction
in consolidating learning, suggesting that students who engage collaboratively
and use language in varied settings are more likely to retain and transfer
their knowledge. Educators can foster this through activities like group
projects or real-world language tasks, such as presentations or debates.
Noticing Hypothesis highlights the importance of continued noticing for
long-term retention. Learners should be encouraged to observe language use in
authentic contexts, such as media or conversations, even beyond the classroom.
This practice reinforces understanding and facilitates transfer to new
situations. Teachers can emphasize to students the critical need for
reinforcement, noting that “the statistics on learning retention can be
alarming if [we] take them at face value”
Nine Events of Instruction, when paired with Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory,
Luria’s Neuropsychological Development of Learning, and Schmidt’s Noticing
Hypothesis, provide a comprehensive framework for language teaching. By
integrating these models, teachers can create learning experiences that not
only build cognitive and linguistic competence but also foster social
interaction and real-world language use. Each of Gagné’s events can be enriched
by these complementary theories, ensuring that language learners develop both
accuracy and communicative fluency in a supportive and cognitively stimulating
the integration of these theories emphasizes the importance of addressing
learners' diverse needs and abilities. Vygotsky’s focus on the Zone of Proximal
Development ensures that instruction is appropriately scaffolded, helping
students achieve goals they may not yet reach independently. Luria’s insights
into cognitive processes reinforce the value of guiding learners through
structured, meaningful activities that engage attention, memory, and
problem-solving skills. Together, these approaches highlight the interplay
between social interaction and individual cognition in effective language
By incorporating Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis, teachers can further enhance learners' awareness of linguistic forms and patterns, promoting active engagement with language in context. Encouraging students to notice and reflect on language use both in and beyond the classroom equips them with tools for lifelong learning. Ultimately, the fusion of these theories with Gagné’s instructional framework not only facilitates language acquisition but also empowers learners to apply their skills creatively and confidently in diverse, real-world scenarios.
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Bridging Theories a Visual ... by Jonathan Acuña
Questions for Pedagogy Professors Instructions: Discuss
the following questions in small groups, applying your understanding of Gagné’s
Nine Events, Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory, Luria’s Neuropsychology, and
Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis. Be prepared to share examples and insights with
the class.
1. How
can social interaction and scaffolding enhance the process of gaining learners'
attention during the first stage of instruction?
2. What
strategies can educators use to ensure learning objectives are aligned with
students' Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)?
3. How
does stimulating recall of prior knowledge support Schmidt’s Noticing
Hypothesis, and why is this important in language learning?
4. In
what ways can mediated learning during content presentation promote deeper
cognitive engagement?
5. What
are some effective scaffolding techniques educators can use to help learners
internalize new material within their ZPD?
6. How
can collaborative activities during the performance stage align with both
Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory and Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis?
7. What
role does feedback play in developing learners’ ability to self-correct, and
how does it connect to Vygotsky’s idea of interactive learning?
8. How
can teachers design activities that encourage learners to notice linguistic
features during both instruction and assessment?
9. In
what ways does integrating insights from neuropsychology help in structuring
lessons that cater to diverse learning needs?
Areas for Further Research
1. Investigating
the long-term effects of integrating Gagné’s Nine Events with sociocultural and
neuropsychological theories on language acquisition.
2. Exploring
the neurological impact of scaffolding techniques on learners with different
cognitive profiles.
3. Analyzing
the role of Schmidt’s Noticing Hypothesis in other areas of learning beyond
language acquisition.
4. Developing
specific instructional models that integrate these theories for use in digital
and hybrid learning environments.
5. Examining
the effectiveness of culturally adapted scaffolding methods in multilingual
Integrating Gagné’s Nine Ev... by Jonathan Acuña