Glogstering in Class
Glogster is simply a dynamic free tool for those teachers and students who are willing to try new presentation gadgets, rather than PPT or similar tools. It can become another element that can keep students’ attention at its peak while giving a presentation. It is indeed a better tool than a paper poster, or a bunch of pictures scattered all through the board in the classroom.
For someone who has never used this particular tool, to create a Glog, it may take anyone around thirty minutes. This implies getting to know the basic components needed to insert and upload pictures, to include text boxes such as bubbles and the like, how to “grab” your own voice recorded by the page to be included on the Glog, your own video or picture, etc. Once you get to know its basic features, including background settings, etc., you are ready to start Glogstering.
In terms of potential uses in one’s class, the possibilities are endless with a good dose of creativity. I know see myself using Glogs in reading skills classes for students to create “story plot analysis” or creative summaries for the stories we get to read in class. And how about Glogstering in oral communication courses? It can be a great challenge for students to move out of the using presentation paradigm to have them use their creativity to sketch their presentations on a Glog format. Sounds like something that needs to be tried out in class!
Take a look at what I created and give me your feedback, please.
Universidad Latina
Costa Rica