Optimizing Language Learning Through Structured
Abstract This
article explores the role of sketchpads as a tool for enhancing
conversational fluency and grammatical accuracy in language learning. By
assigning specific roles, encouraging broad discussion topics, and
integrating explicit grammar practice, sketchpads provide structured yet
flexible opportunities for authentic communication. Drawing on research from
Haugh (2012), Penny Ur (1996), and The Academy for the Science of Instruction
(n.d.), the article outlines best practices for designing effective sketchpads.
It also highlights the importance of vocabulary scaffolding, role rotation,
and reflective exercises to maximize learning outcomes. The discussion
concludes with practical strategies for adapting sketchpads to different
proficiency levels. |
Resumen Este artículo analiza
el uso de los sketchpads como herramienta para mejorar la fluidez
conversacional y la precisión gramatical en el aprendizaje de idiomas. Al
asignar roles específicos, fomentar temas de discusión amplios e integrar la
práctica gramatical explícita, los sketchpads permiten una comunicación
auténtica dentro de un marco estructurado pero flexible. Basándose en
investigaciones de Haugh (2012), Penny Ur (1996) y The Academy for the
Science of Instruction (n.d.), el artículo presenta estrategias clave para
diseñar sketchpads efectivos. Además, enfatiza la importancia del andamiaje
del vocabulario, la rotación de roles y la reflexión posterior a la actividad
para optimizar el aprendizaje. Se concluye con estrategias prácticas para
adaptar los sketchpads a diferentes niveles de competencia. |
Resumo Este
artigo examina o uso dos sketchpads como uma ferramenta para melhorar a
fluência conversacional e a precisão gramatical na aprendizagem de línguas.
Ao atribuir papéis específicos, incentivar temas de discussão amplos e
integrar a prática gramatical explícita, os sketchpads promovem a comunicação
autêntica dentro de uma estrutura flexível e eficaz. Baseando-se em pesquisas
de Haugh (2012), Penny Ur (1996) e The Academy for the Science of Instruction
(n.d.), o artigo apresenta estratégias essenciais para a criação de
sketchpads eficazes. Também destaca a importância do suporte lexical, da
rotação de papéis e da reflexão após a atividade para maximizar os resultados
da aprendizagem. O artigo conclui com estratégias práticas para adaptar os
sketchpads a diferentes níveis de proficiência. |
learning flourishes in dynamic, contextualized settings where students actively
engage with the target language. One particularly effective tool in this
process is the sketchpad—a structured role-play scenario that fosters
authentic conversation while reinforcing key grammatical structures and
vocabulary. However, the success of a sketchpad hinges on its design. Through
trial and error, I have identified four essential strategies for optimizing
sketchpads to maximize their effectiveness. This article explores these
strategies, offering practical guidance on crafting clear, purposeful prompts
that minimize ambiguity and promote meaningful language practice in real-life
contexts. Additionally, we will examine ways to adapt sketchpads for different
proficiency levels, ensuring their versatility across a diverse range of
Four Best Practices for
Structuring Sketchpads
a) Clearly Define
Participants' Roles
specific roles to participants fosters structured yet flexible conversational
interactions, enhancing both fluency and accuracy in language use. As Haugh
(2012) explains, “Conversational interaction, defined in the broad sense as all
face-to-face or technology-mediated forms of interaction that use language,
encompasses a wide range of different types of talk.” For instance, one student
may take on the role of an expert in a given field, while another assumes the
role of a curious learner, creating a participation framework that
promotes purposeful exchanges. This structured approach mirrors real-life
interactions across various channels, such as conference calls or face-to-face
discussions, making grammar usage more intuitive and context-driven by
reinforcing practiced patterns of language use within specific communicative
genres. Additionally, rotating assigned roles across different exercises
broadens students' exposure to diverse communication styles and challenges,
fostering adaptability in real-world conversations. When students understand
the dynamics of conversational interactions, as Jacobs
& Renandya (2019) suggest, collaborative learning becomes more
engaging and efficient: “Groups can present to another group. That saves time,
is less boring, and promotes the CL [communicative language] principle of
maximum peer interactions (quantity).” This highlights the pedagogical benefits
of structured role-play, ensuring meaningful communication practice that
balances accuracy and fluency.
b) Provide Discussion Topics
Instead of Questions
direct questions can be useful, broader topics allow students to navigate
conversations more naturally. Open-ended discussions encourage critical
thinking and spontaneous dialogue rather than rehearsed responses. If we adhere
strictly to the audio-lingual approach’s emphasis on repetition, students may
struggle to explore themes in depth or use target grammar flexibly. As the
British Council (n.d.) explains, drilling is based on the belief that
“repeating phrases correctly lots of times would lead to mastery of the
language.” However, research and practice have shown that mere repetition does
not guarantee meaningful language acquisition.
foster fluency and deeper engagement, students should be encouraged to expand
on ideas and build upon each other’s points, further enhancing their critical
thinking skills. Additionally, educators can introduce guiding phrases or
discourse markers to help students sustain discussions while maintaining
coherence. Though “we spend a lot of time either teaching new grammar or new
vocabulary,” it is crucial to remember that “for students to be able to sustain
a conversation, it is absolutely essential for them to learn whole, set
phrases, and practice their correct pronunciation and intonation” (BusyTeacher,
n.d.). Without these conversational tools, discussions may remain brief and
disengaging, limiting students’ ability to think critically and express ideas
with depth.
c) Include a List of Suggested
As the
Academy for the Science of Instruction (n.d.) explains, “Oral communication is
a two-way process, comprising both the receptive (comprehension) channel and
the expressive (production) channel. With respect to spoken language, this
typically means listening and speaking.” Ensuring that students have access to
key vocabulary equips them with the linguistic tools necessary for both
articulating their ideas (production) and understanding their interlocutors
(comprehension). A structured vocabulary list serves as a scaffold, enabling
learners to integrate new terms into discussions while reinforcing
context-based usage.
requiring students to respond to classroom discussions in complete sentences
rather than isolated words or short phrases promotes the use of target
vocabulary and grammatical structures within meaningful discourse (Academy for
the Science of Instruction, n.d.). To further develop nuanced language skills,
educators can incorporate synonyms and alternative expressions, allowing
learners to explore relationships between words. As Penny Ur (1996) observes,
“How the meaning of one item relates to the meaning of others can also be used
in teaching.” Synonymy, for example, provides learners with multiple ways to
express ideas, fostering linguistic flexibility. Additionally, encouraging
students to personalize vocabulary lists by adding their own relevant terms
enhances engagement and deepens their connection to the content.
d) Specify Grammar Points and
Their Expected Use
should not be an afterthought in sketchpad activities but rather a central
focus that guides meaningful language use. Explicitly indicating which
structures students should practice—such as the future perfect versus the
future progressive—ensures accurate application within conversations. As Penny
Ur (1996) emphasizes, “One of our jobs as teachers is to help our students make
the ‘leap’ from form-focused accuracy work to fluent, but acceptable,
production, by providing a ‘bridge’: a variety of practice activities that
familiarize them with the structures in context, giving practice both in form
and communicative meaning.” In line with this, educators can incorporate brief
grammar reminders or examples within sketchpads to support correct usage.
integrating follow-up exercises that encourage students to reflect on their
language use can reinforce learning. For example, students might review their
conversations to identify instances where they successfully applied the target
structures or areas that need improvement. Such metacognitive reflection not
only strengthens grammatical accuracy but also enhances overall communicative
Writing Effective Sketchpad
avoid ambiguity and ensure that students engage meaningfully with the
sketchpad, prompts should include the following elements:
theme of the discussion |
"The impact of AI in daily life" |
and their roles |
"Student A is a robotics expert, Student B is a concerned worker" |
topics instead of specific questions |
"AI in workplaces, AI in healthcare, ethical concerns" |
to be used |
"Students must use future perfect and future progressive" |
vocabulary to include |
but beneficial |
clear task or outcome |
"Conclude with a summary of potential AI developments in the next
decade" |
incorporating these elements, educators can ensure that sketchpads remain
focused, engaging, and beneficial for learners at different proficiency levels.
Example Sketchpad Prompts
Example 1: The Robot
Create a sketchpad where two students discuss the robot revolution in present
and future contexts. One student is a robotics expert, and the other is a
concerned worker who fears that automation will replace human jobs. They
should cover topics such as robots in workplaces, AI in healthcare, and smart
cities. The grammar focus is on future perfect and future progressive
(e.g., "By 2035, robots will have taken over many repetitive
tasks," "AI will be transforming the medical field"). Include
suggested vocabulary: automation, algorithm, smart technology, efficiency,
adaptation, ethical concerns. Students should conclude the conversation
by predicting how AI advancements will shape society in 50 years. |
Sketchpad (From Planning Thread: Future of AI and Robotics)
Example 2: The Labels We Live
Create a sketchpad where two students discuss societal labels such as
"baby boomer," "millennial," "blue-collar
worker," "nerd," "hippie," and "middle
class." One student is skeptical about the impact of labels, while the
other believes they shape identity. Topics include the origins of labels,
stereotypes, and how businesses use personality tests to classify consumers.
The grammar focus is on the uses of 'will' for predictions and 'would' for
hypothetical discussions (e.g., "People will always use labels to
categorize others," "If we didn’t rely on labels, people would feel
freer"). Include suggested vocabulary: identity, stereotype, bias,
social class, generational divide, personality test, marketing. The
discussion should end with students debating whether labels are ultimately
beneficial or limiting. |
Sketchpad (From Planning Thread: Societal Labels and Identity)
By following these four best practices, educators can create sketchpads that facilitate meaningful conversations, reinforce grammatical structures, and expand students’ vocabulary. Well-crafted prompts ensure that learners engage in realistic interactions while naturally integrating complex language elements. Additionally, educators should adapt sketchpads to their students' specific needs, adjusting the complexity of vocabulary and grammar as needed. Encouraging self-reflection after the exercise—such as having students evaluate their language use—can further enhance learning outcomes. As language instructors continue to refine their approach, these strategies will help maximize the effectiveness of sketchpad-based learning activities.
Acuña-Solano, J. (2024, February 8). English 6
Lesson Planning with Evolve 6 by Cambridge University Press. San José, Costa
Acuña-solano, J. (2024, March 1). English 6 Lesson Planning
with Evolve 6 by Cambridge Unversity Press. San José, Costa Rica.
British Council. (n.d.). Drilling 1. Retrieved from
Teaching English:
BusyTeacher. (n.d.). 6 Keys to Helping Your ESL Students
Sustain a Conversation. Retrieved from BusyTeacher:
Haug. (2012). Conversational Interaction. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from 2012:
Jacobs, G. M., & Renandya, W. A. (2019). Cooperative
Learning in Language Education. Malang, East Java, Indonesia: TEFLIN
Publication Division in collaboration with Bintang Sejahtera Press.
The Academy for the Science of Instruction. (n.d). Vocabulary
and oral language. Retrieved from The Academy for the Science of
Ur, P. (1996). A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge, GB:
Cambridge University Press.
Template for a Sketchpad
Title: |
A Job Interview – Making a Strong First Impression |
Scenario |
describe the context and purpose of the conversation. |
Roles |
are the participants? What is their relationship? |
Setting |
does the conversation take place? |
Focus |
grammatical structures should be practiced? |
List |
terms and phrases relevant to the conversation. |
Phrases |
to help participants stay on track. |
Reflection |
for students to evaluate their language use. |
Ideas for Creating Sketchpads
on what you learned on this article, try to creating your own sketchpads with the
following scenarios.
Professional Scenarios for Workplace
Communication o Roles: A
hiring manager and a job applicant o Setting: A
job interview o Grammar
Focus: Present perfect vs. simple past (e.g., "I have
worked in marketing" vs. "I worked at XYZ company last year.") o Vocabulary
Focus: Job qualifications, experience, strengths, and
weaknesses |
Problem-Solving in Daily Situations o Roles: A
customer and a store manager o Setting: A
customer returns a defective product o Grammar
Focus: Modals for polite requests (e.g., "Could I get a
refund?" vs. "You should check the warranty.") o Vocabulary
Focus: Complaints, solutions, product descriptions |
Debating Social Issues o Roles: A
student in favor of a school policy change and a student against it o Setting: A
school debate about mandatory uniforms o Grammar
Focus: Expressing opinions and conditionals (e.g., "If
students wore uniforms, they would feel more equal.") o Vocabulary
Focus: Agreement/disagreement phrases, argument structure,
persuasive language |
Optimizing Language Learning Through Structured Sketchpads by Jonathan Acuña